Cages I prefer:
Cages can be tricky there are SO many option out there and which one is best? Seems everyone has their own opinion but here is what I have found over my many years of rat ownership.

Critter Nation: My most favorite!
I love that you can purchase a single unit and add on an additional unit later when your funds allow you too or the babies are ready for more room to explore.
Single Unit stable for 2-4 rats
Double Unit for 2-8 rats
Pros: HUGE doors - you can shove tons in :)
Great size
Sturdy heavy duty
Cons:Heavy - so hard to roll to clean
Hollow design, can rust over time
HUGE (also can be a con sometimes
Plastic low trays can be a mess and they can chew
Found ALL over, Amazon, Chewy any place pet supplies are commonly sold.
Exotic Nutrition: Becoming VERY fond of these
2-Level for 2-4 rats
4-Level for 4-6 rats
Pros: ALL metal! wonderful construction
Great size
Cons: One door, one side
Shelf cleaning can be difficult
Link: Exotic Nutrition
Prevue Hendryx Earth
Great for 2-4 Rats
Pros: Lightweight, easy to clean- sorta
Cons: TINY door
Grated bottom, no sides
All living things starter kit:
"okay' for 2 maybe 3 rats (females)
Pros: This cage has three doors and
removable shelf for cleaning
Pretty nice size if set up right
Cons: Plastic shelves with grooves urine gets in
Plastic bottoms easy to chew
Comes with worthless rat item
Kaytee my first home:
"okay' for 2 maybe 3 rats (females)
Pros: nice size.
Cons: Plastic shelves with grooves urine gets in
Plastic bottoms easy to chew
door latch bends out becoming faulty.
Purchase many large chains
You and Me Rat Manor:
"okay' for 2 maybe 3 rats (females)
Pros: could be a nice size
All metal design
Cons: All wire shelf bad for feet
Small gage with causes bad feet and bumble foot
Must be covered at all times.
Purchase many large chain
When in doubt just contact me with a picture and I am happy to help. I have seen them all :)
Cage Dressing;
When thinking just how bad your rat may smell take a moment to think of our most common pets.. the dog and the cat just think if Fido didn't have that yard to dig in, pee, in POO in. If our dogs lived in small cages... they would begin to smell too! We all know cats will poop in a box... that smell up a bathroom right??

When you live with animals not of our own species (ha even some of our own) they are going to smell different. We either work with them and try and find what works for us or do not have the animal.
Rats will mark anything new, to make it smell like them - to own it. If you clean or change your liners too much then your rats will actually smell stronger.
What works for me.. examples of how I dress my cages:
Fleece liners: Fleece is best when it is anti-pill and only works best when paired with something else. Fleece is nice because it will not fray. Fleece is made to draw moisture away, it just needs to be drawn to something else to absorb like a textile blanket. I like to use normal plain fleece pillowcase liners on my CN pans then over top that I have a flannel pad that is flannel and textile blanket sandwiched between then sewn for strength. This allows for a top layer, to pull through to the textile layer. I use fleece covers for my rats shelving.
I also use fleece liners with the textile blanket sewn in place. but then layer, always layer...
So why cover the flat plastic pan at all? While we cover the wire shelving to protect feet. It also helps to not have them walking in their own urine dribbles and feces. This can apply to a plat plastic pan as well.
For my Bass pans ( replacement pans) or pans and non Critter Nation cages I like to use some pine pellet on the bottom of the cage pan. To the top of this I add something the rats can kick around move, push and burrow in.
The bottom level of my Critter Nations have been removed. I like to use a large drop in cement mixing tray from Home Depot for the bottom. I fill that sucker with pine/aspen/crinkle paper (not Carefresh or similar) and fill if up leaving plenty of room fro they to toss kick and dig through.
How to keep those liner put!? It is so very frustrating to have these wonderful liners that look fantastic going into the cage only to have the little boogers under the pads against the plastic with in hours of cleaning. What I do to remedy this is
1. Use layers (scraps and blankets), and have cubes for them to go in and under and push around.
2. Pin those suckers down best I can, using binder clips, grommets and hooks, or cable-ties. If you have a metal tray or no tray you can use a heavy duty magnet - I spoke with a Vet about this and it will have no ill effect on the animal at all.
3. Cooling tiles and pavers have dual uses. Leaving liner put and also for cooling and allowing
Layers: Always layer!! I always create layers for my cages. Rats LOVE to root around in things. They are going to do it if you allow them to or if you do not want them to (HA) They need to nest. So I give them something to always nest in.
Things like:
Fleece, scraps
Cardboard boxes
Old hammocks/liners they may have already holed up
Root Blankets
*I do not suggest towels and or fabrics that may fray. Little toes can get stings around their toes or tails. This can be very dangerous.
Litter boxes.. I use huge baking pans. I find these to be chew proof, and easy to clean. They are lower lipped so even lazy Males are more likely to actually use them In these litter boxes I use pine pellets and or a mix of rabbit food. I like to have one on each ledge for young rats, you can move to less once they are older and potty trained.
Pee Rock: Sounds silly right?? Rats LOVE to pee on rock. I am sure they are just marking them but hey if it works right? Also the rock works as a way to keep the box put. I like to use just a broken paver. Flat, I then switch them with each cleaning and bleach the old and let the sun take over baking away the yuck.
Baskets: I like to offer plastic baskets for lil ones to use as a cleaning post, place to nap or spot to view you better :) Just make sure that the holes are small enough a rat can not get their face through where they can become stuck.
Chews : Rats teeth will continue to grow. This means you need to provide them something to keep those teeth trim. I love to offer wood ledges as sort of a dual use. Napping ledge, chewing post. Make sure your ledge is free of glue, and is only made from kiln dried pine or pet safe woods.
Hides and Hammocks: Also offer a muggle spot to sleep. I like to offer one area per rat, or two rats. Rats LOVE to cuddle together but I also notice they like to go off and have a good nap alone at times too.
This is a basic version of how I dress my cages.... I clean every week. This may include a spot clean (switch layer blankets and wipe down bars and switch litter box substrate) a basic clean (switch out hammocks and wipe bars, woods, switch litter box substrate and liners) or major clean involves removing all items and power washing and disinfecting.
Amonia build up comes from a dirty cage. This is harmful to your rats respiratory system. There for you want to make sure you launder your items. Rats will mark anything new, to make it smell like them - to own it. If you clean or change your liners too much then your rats will actually smell stronger.